Friday, March 28, 2008

Notes from Wednesday March 26th, 2008

3 types of Senate Floor voting

1. Un-tabulate voice vote. ( all in favor of saying "I") [It's pretty much self explanatory]
2. A standing or "Division" ( You know, stand up if you favor it, sit down if you oppose)
3. A roll call ( Yes or Nay when your name is called)

Both Floors
"Coalition Formation"

- Legislation rarely goes to the floor if it is not ready to pass
- Strategic floor activity is more common in election years.
- A motion to "recommitt" the legislation to committee often kills legislation
- If passed there is usually a motion to "reconsider" a motion to "table" the previous question.

Presidents Options
"More than just a veto"

- Sign it ( Signs it with 5 different pens, to gove these pens to the sponsors as gifts)
[The Bill that goes to the president is called the enrolled Bill and is printed on Parchment. Signed by the speaker first then VP, and then then the President]
[Clear bill, that gets marked up alot, all the amendmends would be cleared up, less amendments]

- Veto it
- Wait 10 days and let it become a law
- Pocket Veto.

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