Monday, March 24, 2008

Class Notes Friday March 21, 2008

Types of Committee Referral
"four Primary types"
Single Referral
- Entire bill sent to a single committee
-Preferred by the sponsor of the legislation
Joint Referral
- Same bill sent to multiple committees
-Has been done to try and speed things up
- But it is just as likely a dilatory maneuver
Split referral
- Bull is broken up and sent to multiple committees
- Bill is still known by a single number , so if any part is rejected the whole bill is dead
-Probably the least favorite alternative from the viewpoints of the sponsors.
Sequential referral
-Speaker determines that a bill must pass through multiple committees
- Sometimes avoided by joint referral
Committee Calendar Politics
- Committee chair discretion - "Pigeon holing"
- The role of "Speaker discharge" and "committee discharge petitions".

The Legislation Calendars
"Lots of political maneuvering"
House calendars
- The Union Calender- Orders bulls for governable appropriates and raising revenue tax and spending legislation ( Most political calendar)
- The house calendar- The catch all calendars that handles most public law initiative
-The Consent Calendar- Deals with legislation of a non-controversial nature ; including propaganda legislation. Called on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, while in session.
-The Private calendar- deals with matters of private law. Called on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays when in Session.
-The discharge calendar- Can be called at any time if the necessary signatures have been gathered for discharge petition.
Senate Calendars
- The Executive calendar
- Treaties and nominations Submitted to the senate by the executive branch
- The Senate calendar or legislative Calendar-
- Handles all the matters that are not treatises or nominations.

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