Monday, April 21, 2008

The Review for the Final. Exam...

Well, just in case you missed it, or maybe if you didn't get everything from the notes... Here is a little review he gave us! So good luck studying!

- how many House memebers where in the first House in Congress?
- 65

-- How many members were in the First Senate?
- 26.

-- The House currently has 435 members. Each member has to be at least 25 years old, and also has a 2 year term limit.

- The Senate currently has 100 members. Each member has to be at least 30 years old, and their term limits are 6 years.

-- Henry Clay- Created the Standing committees, well made them more Prominent.

-- Who was the first speaker of the House?
- Mullenberg.

-- The house was more important during the first years.

-- Who was the first President of the Senate?
- John Adams

-- What is a delegate?
- Represents the people

-- What is a trustee?
- Some one that votes in order for the good of mankind.

-- Quorum - to have enough people to conduct business.
- You need the majority in order to conduct business
- in the house the quorum is 218, now it's 100 in the Committee of the whole.
- Quorum in the First Senate was 14

--- Note Worthy Speakers
- Mullenberg was the first
- Reed- Set up Reeds Rules or order. It establishes precedent for Strong party leaders
- Nancy Paloci- First female Speaker ever!
- Cannon- Was considered the CZAR. Demanded a lot of party discipline his own party rebelled against him. So they reformed the the Speakers powers, and pretty much stripped the powers away from the Speaker.
-Gingrich- First time trying to restrict lobbying. He kept Democrats off of joint Conference committees. Spent political capital. Set term limits on committee chairs.
- Clay
- Reybourne was the speaker for 30% of the 20th century.

-- House senate differences:
- Senate approves treaties, approves the Presidents
- House- Taxes, raising revenues.
- Senate ahs more unlimited debate. Not germane.
- The house is more structured, house is more germane. It has limited debates.

--- President of the Senate
- 1st was Adams.
- Nixon was the last one to make a big deal of being the President of the Senate.

- Lyndon Johnson - 1950, he made his staff look for more power, and try to find precendent in order to make sure that his position is the most powerful. But all his staff could find was the Right of first Recognition.

--- Senate Leaders
- Strom Thurman was the oldest President Pro Temp, at 100.

--- Roles of Rules Committees
- It is a standing committee, and a legislative Committee. It's considered an exclusive committe because if you are on it you can't be on any other committee.

- What stage does rules committees work? After the bill comes off the hopper it goes to one standing committee and they give it to a subcommittee. then goes back to the standing committees. Then the Rules committees.

- People from the originating committess gets to offer amendment ideas when it comes to the floor.

- Senate Process
Unlimited debate= Filibuster
- Longest Filibuster- 24 hrs and 18 mins.
- longest tag team- 72 days.
This was both against civil rights movement.

- Hold is a threat to filibuster.
- Mae west hold- If you approach one paty of the legislation you have to come and see me.
by using a Mae west hold, they are trying to get a UCA, a Unanimous Consent agreement.

- Different Constituencies
- Geographic
- Primary
- Personal
- Re-election

- Ny , was where teh first Congress session met, then they met in Philly.
- The first Congress sat down in 1789.
- A session is usually a year.

- Zero sum game- One wins at the expense of the loser.
- Positive Sum game- Everyone wins.
- Negative sum game- Everyone loses.

-- Who inspired separations of powers? Madison, while he was reading Montesques book.

- Safe seat- when no one is running against the incumbent, or when it's well known that the incumbent is going to win.

- Open seat- No incumbent running
- ranking member- Minority leader whos' chair of a committee.

-- 4 types of legislation
- Bills
- Joint Resolutions
- Concurrent Resolutions
- Resolutions.

- Bills and Joint resolutions creates statutes.
- concurrent resolution works on internals of congress.
- Joint resolutions and bills are laws.

Well good luck studying. The test is Wednesday, so if u need help just ask for it. Maybe i'll have an even better study guide up later!


Patrick said...

Hey -

Just wanted to say thanks. This site was a definite help this semester.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. It was a huge help and this review is much better looking than the one I have. Thanks again.