Monday, February 25, 2008

Class NOTES! FEB 25, 2008

Loopholes in '46 Law
- Only people spending someone else's money had to register
- Only people who had to register were those whose "principal purpose" Was to influence Legislation
-Grassroot Strategies were exempt.

The GOP and Lobby reform crica 1995
Specifics of '95 La, and Rule changes
- Bans on gifts in excess of $50.00
- Ban on Free trips
-Ban on Honorarium- Honorarium = Getting money in order to give a speech!
- Lobbying activities include work done to research or prepare legilation , as well as direct contact
- Lobbyists must disclose names of their clients, issues they are involved with, and the eamount they are paid for their services
- Non profit groups, 501 (c) 4, can not recieve direct federal grants.
(Which party is most corrupt? The one that has the most power! Why? They've got something the interest groups want, and that is the power to create legislations)
-Former US Trade representatives are deputies are banned for life from lobbying for foreign interests.

Loopholes after '95

- No ban on gifts to groups that legislators are affiliated with!
- No ban on gifts to election campaigns- other than limits in existing law.
-Honorarium can be received if the money is donated to a tax-exempt group
- Free travel is allowed if the travel is for
--- A. "Fact- Finding missions"
--- B. If the Intent to make a speech connected to their official duties!

Congress and teh Media
A love hate Relationship

Three Sources of Media Influence
1. Socialization
2. Agenda Setting- This is the media telling us what is the "NEWS"
3. Framing : - they frame what they want us to see!
- Spin Doctors
- Pundits

Hope this helps out those who couldn't make it to class! Also, there will be the summary of the chapters that we've had to read!

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